Geek Goals

This year is about getting my sanity back. Getting my health my house and my family into a better place by deliberate incremental changes in all areas of my life.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Danielle Week 1

This is week 1 for me too! I am doing's Slim in 6 program with a few others on the beachbody message boards. Its a DVD workout with some online tools and support you can use if you want to. Working with others towards a common goal is always easier than going it alone!

The best thing about it is that the workouts start out at 25 min, and gradually get harder and longer. So for now I'm doing good but then I'm only 1 day in! Even on the easy workout I could not do everything the instructor did. Shows how out of shape I have become!

Not making any life altering changes to my diet yet, one thing at a time. As they say on BeachBody.... Just Press Play!



Danielle said...

3 Days in, now I'm moving on to the harder one... 47 min.

Danielle said...

The harder one is ... well harder, but I'm doing it. I got in 3 of them last week and on Sunday I did some time on the treadmill to change it up a bit.

Monday I rested and now I'm on to week 2.