Geek Goals

This year is about getting my sanity back. Getting my health my house and my family into a better place by deliberate incremental changes in all areas of my life.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Enough is enough...

Something happened to me the last few days. Something made me really tired of not looking my best physically.

  1. My friend Jossie's getting back into eating right and working out, it has inspired me quite a bit.
  2. I tried on my wedding dress for a fitting and they couldn't get the top clasp together in the back.
  3. Conversations recently about family history of various diseases.
  4. Trying to be a good role model for young ladies in my Girl Scout troop and my siblings.
  5. Its summer and hot and I have shorts and tank tops that I used to wear that now look bad on me or just plain don't fit.
  6. I came up 1 flight of stairs on Friday and was out of breath enough that I couldn't carry on a conversation right after getting to my desk at work.
  7. I have been having digestive issues lately and I have been eating pretty much anything in sight and indulging in fast food, big meals out and other food vices a lot lately.
  8. Having a clean house makes me feel like I want to get other areas of my life in order as well.
  9. Seeing the garden start to grow reminds me of how great it is to grow and eat fresh vegetables!
That is a lot of reasons, but they all culminated into an action.

This morning I went for a walk outside. It was a bit hard especially since I chose a hill to walk up first thing, but it felt great. I followed that up with reading a bit of my old diet book "Change One: Lose weight simple, safely and forever" and following one of their breakfast guidelines.

  • FF Cottage Cheese,
  • wheat toast (with strawberry preserves),
  • watermelon
  • and a couple glasses of water.
I'm not to the point yet where I am going to commit to a 6 day a week workout plan, a restricted calorie diet, or a weight loss goal of x lbs by x date.... but I am to the point where I just want to do something... so I did.

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