Geek Goals

This year is about getting my sanity back. Getting my health my house and my family into a better place by deliberate incremental changes in all areas of my life.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Happy Holidays

I am about a day away from my Christmas Vacation, so there might not be a lot of posts from me the next 2 weeks.

My other Authors can post though if they have any resolutions, or fitness tips for the holidays.


Jossie said...

Have a fun and safe trip!

My resolution is still to never ever "diet" while being healthy. Exercise 6 days a week. M W F - 30 mins of weights; Su T R - 30 mins of cardio (walking, tennis, running, etc) and drink tons of water.

Karen said...

I'm finally having a chance to recuperate from my family Christmas gathering that spanned 7 days at our house. At the end I'm injured, tired, and sick.

I wanted to workout while I had time off but it looks like that isn't going to happen for a few days at least. I hate to say it but....after the new year....

Danielle said...

Karen I hope your toe is starting to be all healed!