Geek Goals

This year is about getting my sanity back. Getting my health my house and my family into a better place by deliberate incremental changes in all areas of my life.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Lunch ideas?

I am looking for lunch ideas. I know a lot of you bring lunches everyday to work...I would like to be better about bringing in my lunch...but I am tired of sandwiches...what other things do you girls bring in?


Karen said...

I do a lot of rice mixed with vegies and spices. Or make double the food in the evening and save the rest for lunch during the week. Like a cut up chicken breast, rice, vegies...if you're not scared of mixing your food up (plus with the meat cut up ahead, I found it is easier to eat at work). Pasta/rice and sauce is pretty easy to make extras of and then put together for a lunch in single-sized servings as needed.

Apples, string cheese. Yogurt. Lettuce and a small container of dressing on the side, maybe some nuts or feta cheese mixed in. Peanut butter on a bagel.

Some days I bring some bread or something else I've baked for a treat.

Hope the ideas help! Good luck. :)

Danielle said...

It may sound a little cumbersome, but when I was trying to spice up the lunches I brought to work I included Chips and Salsa in on the rotation!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that I'm glad you ladies have this blog up, providing a medium for geeks to learn how to get healthy. I am not a female, but I am a geek. :)

My wife is a dietician (and a pretty darn good one at that!), so I get a lot of good tips first-hand. I'll send word of this blog to her, as she is kind of a nutrition geek herself.

I've also started my own blog, called HealthyGeek. Click on my name above to go to the blog. It keeps track of how my wife's nutrition ideas and my old computer geek lifestyle have merged into one.

Keep up the good work ladies!