Geek Goals

This year is about getting my sanity back. Getting my health my house and my family into a better place by deliberate incremental changes in all areas of my life.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

How is it possible...

That I've been working out for almost 2 months and haven't lost a lb?


Riddle me this...



Anonymous said...

Being too excited about the cake.

dabuekke said...

Anonymous posted on the wrong thread.

Anonymous said...

No anonymous did not. They meant that maybe that is the answer to the riddle. ladykatya is too excited about cake so that is why she has not lost weight.

Anonymous said...

Weight loss is pretty basic - consume less calories than you need to burn - you lose.
All the working out in the world won't help if your calorie intake is too high...sorry, but thats the cold hard truth!

ladykatya said...

I don't know how you can call 1200 - 1600 calories too many a day. I could pull it back to the 600 a day I was eating about a year ago... I know I'd lose weight then, but definitely wouldn't be healthy.

And thanks for the health lesson. I didn't remember that from the 9th grade.

My workouts burn betwenn 600 - 1000 calories a day. I shouldn't be having any problem losing weight since my eating habits have not changed any... I added working out daily, which should up the amount of calories are burning - thus there should be an equal weight loss. It's simple math.

And cake isn't my downfall... ice cream is.